2016 — A Year in a Poem
A quick (poetic) summary of the year we leave behind…
A year of Farage,
Johnson, and Trump.
A year stunning cities,
were turned to a dump.
A year many heros,
had passed and were born.
With too many notables
for this world to mourn.
There was Portugal at the Euros,
Olympics in Brazil,
Leicester City’s success
in the league was a thrill.
2016 has been filled
With joy and with pain.
As I’m sure next year will
be both once again.
A toast to your health,
let the dram flow and pour.
And may this new year ahead
bring good cheer to your door.
My other poems can be found at:
The Unimportance of Being Mobile (while driving)
I hope you enjoy them and would love to hear your thoughts.