Excuse Me, Mr Johnson
Excuse me Mr Johnson
I’d like to ask you this.
When you were on that battle bus,
did you think it was remiss
to tell us things you knew weren’t true
so we’d all vote to leave?
Or did you think, no way a win
is what Leavers would achieve?
Excuse me Mr Johnson
Did you fill us all with fear,
So we would say “Goodbye, EU”
To further your career?
And now, it seems, you wrote and spoke
about why we should remain.
Excuse me Mr Johnson,
but I’m finding this all a drain.
You see the future, not just mine, I’d add
but that upon my kids,
is now in turmoil because of you,
their outlooks on the skids.
And now you say, it was a joke
Or a “semi parody”.
And that leave is what you truly feel
But I don’t trust that, you see.
I can’t believe how you and yours can
get away with so many lies.
Or are you a master genius,
who’s pulled the wool over all our eyes.
Excuse me Mr Johnson,
the elderly and the youth
want to know the actual facts,
they want to know the truth
Have you led us down the river
without a paddle in our boat?
While you march towards 10 Downing St
like a weasel gone to gloat.